Summary: After the mysterious death of a warden of Sevadham school, it is up to inspector Negi who suffers from PTSD to solve the high-profile investigation which leads him to disturbing facts.
Rautu Ka Raaz – Rautu ki Beli, an idyllic town in hilly north India, has been virtually crime-free for over 30 years. The inhabitants are bewildered when a school warden is found dead and the police begin investigating – under the leadership of Inspector Negi. Nothing is as easy as it seems when societal stigma, small-town laziness and ‘locals in denial’ get in the way of a seemingly straightforward case.
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Rautu Ka Raaz (2024) Hindi Movie 720p WEB-DL 10Bit HEVC x265 [590MB]
Rautu Ka Raaz (2024) Hindi Movie 720p WEB-DL x264 [870MB]
Rautu Ka Raaz (2024) Hindi Movie 1080p WEB-DL x264 [1.8GB]
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